Meet The Team

Business Manager
Favorite Hobby
My hobby would be dabbling at things: house projects, cooking, crafting, sports or outdoor adventures. Basically, try it out and it's either fun or not as exciting as expected or it's successful or a total flop. Either way - just learn and laugh.
Favorite IT Joke
What do you call a computer that sings: A-Dell!
Favorite thing about DDS Integration
The team dynamic to find solutions to situations; be it personal, for the DDS team, or clients.

Integration & Support Specialist
Favorite Hobby
Video Games & Baking
Favorite IT Joke
Why did the IT manager bring a ladder to work? Because they heard the system was in the cloud and wanted to take a closer look!
Favorite thing about DDS Integration
I love how DDS pushes you to never stop learning so you can do your best work!

Integration & Support Specialist
Favorite Hobby
Tinkering. I love messing with anything I don't understand to get a better understanding of the world.
Favorite IT Joke
My friends all said I was a 10 and I was flattered until I realized they were using Binary.
Favorite thing about DDS Integration
I love the culture here and how much everyone cares about each other and cares about helping the client.

Integration & Support Specialist
Favorite Hobby
I enjoy connecting with my friends through a variety of activities.
Favorite IT Joke
Have you heard of that new band “1023 Megabytes”?
They’re pretty good, but they don’t have a gig just yet.
Favorite thing about DDS Integration
The balanced mix of onsite and offsite work.

Integration & Support Specialist
Favorite Hobby
Favorite IT Joke
I was recently invited to a costume party. I dressed up as a UDP packet but no one acknowledged me.
Favorite thing about DDS Integration
The culture.

Senior Tech & Client Account Specialist
Favorite Hobby
Playing guitar
Favorite IT Joke
If at first you don't succeed, call it version 1.0.
Favorite thing about DDS Integration
The team camaraderie and culture.

IT Team Lead & Security Specialist
Favorite Hobby
Spending time with friends and family. The best way to do that with friendly competition and sunshine: golf!
Favorite IT Joke
How many programmers does it take to change a light bulb? Well....none....that's a hardware problem!
Favorite thing about DDS Integration
Being a small team that can handle big problems. We work hard together to solve them and celebrate/team-build in kind.

IT Manager
Favorite Hobby
Jammin' on the drums with my Church and playing board games.
Favorite IT Joke
Why was "Hi-Hat" not an accepted password? The password cannot contain cymbals. Ba Dum Tsss
Favorite thing about DDS Integration
Relationships. DDS is all about relationships. The team is like a family, each employee and their family is greatly valued, and we desire to have personal relationships with all of the offices we partner with.

Client Development Manager
Favorite Hobby
A day anchored on Lake Michigan with family & friends.
Favorite IT Joke
Why was the network administrator late to work?
There was lots of traffic congestion and even a collision. Everything was backed up. It was a hard drive!
Favorite thing about DDS Integration
Our team and the La Croix in the fridge.

Favorite Hobby
Anything that involves running or jumping or tagging or a frisbee or a ball or skis or a bike.
Favorite IT Joke
"ET, how do you call your mom?" "iPhone home"
Favorite thing about DDS Integration
That it is so different, and that it is ours.